hause Home Games About

Welcome to my hause

I'm the webmaster of this place, you can call me hause ofc. Looks kinda cool, huh? Take your time to explore the entire hause, you wont regret it, promised!

What the heck is this site about??

Good question! Mostly about... uhhh... whatever pops up intro my head ofc! I'll try to write a review once in a while!

What are your interests?

Go visit the about section (what is not made yet lol)

Site updates

New site update

Okay.. Sooo i decided to remove entertainment and technology completly from my site. I will only be reviewing indie games now.

New blog post (#13/11/23)

You can read it Here

New day, new pages (#13/11/23)

Some new pages today, im still working hard on them. I hope to finish them all soon.

Moved Stickdroidz and The Dean Zone to here (#12/11/23)

I moved those two sites of mine to here. If your looking for the Stickslavery page, its here.

I also updated the design of the site, cool huh?

Game reviews

Here you can find reviews of indie games.


this is also coming soon, i promise.